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Dëshmorët e Kombit STR No 55
Matlume, Kaçanik, Kosovo

Silcapor Blocks

Silcapor - Unio Commerce brings you quality products from autoclaved lightweight porous concrete, and on this page we have compiled information on the products we offer.


Size of blocks Quantity on pallet m3 Pieces on the pallet Piece in 1 m3 Piece in 1 m2 1  pallet for m2 walling 1 cubic meter counts m2
60 x 25 x 5 1,35 144+12 1 133.33 6.67 27 20
60 x 25 x 7.5 1,35 96+12 2 88.88 6.67 18 13.33
60 x 25 x 10 1,35 90 66.66 6.67 13.5 10
60 x 25 x 12.5 1,35 72 53.33 6.67 10.8 8
60 x 25 x 15 1,35 60 44.44 6.67 9 6.67
60 x 25 x 17.5 1,35 48+6 2 38.1 6.67 7.71 5.71
60 x 25 x 20 1,35 42+6 2 33.33 6.67



60 x 25 x 22.5 1,35 36+6 3 29.63 6.67 6 4.444
60 x 25 x 25 1,35 36 26.66 6.67 5.40 4
60 x 25 x 27.5 1,35 30+6 4 24.24 6.67 4.91 3.64
60 x 25 x 30 1,35 30 22.22 6.67 4.50 3.33
60 x 25 x 35 1,35 34+6 4 19.05 6.67 3.86 2.68

1. The pallet also contains 12 pieces 60x25x15
2. The pallet also contains 12 pieces 60x25x10
3. The pallet also contains 12 pieces 60x25x15
4. The pallet also contains 12 pieces 60x25x12.5

Reinforced products

Reinforced roof and intermediate slabs

  • Coefficient of safety (Coefficient of safety) Ks=2.5
  • Produced in the application of loads of 1.25; 1.50; 2.0; wide at 5.0KN/m2
  • 600cm long and 10cm wide by 30cm wide

Reinforced horizontal wall panels

  • Safety coefficient Ks=2.5
  • Manufactured against outdoor wind storm loads of 1.1 KN/m2
  • Length wide 600cm, width 20cm wide 30cm

Reinforced vertical wall plates

  • Safety factor Ks = 4.0
  • Produced against outdoor weather storm loads of 1.1 KN/m2
  • Length wide 600cm, width 20cm wide 30cm

Reinforced insulating facade panels

  • Insulation panels PIF PB/3.0
  • Safety coefficient Ks>2.0
  • Manufactured as self-supporting
  • Length wide 600cm, width 7.5cm wide 12.5cm

Non-reinforced products

Thermal insulating wall blocks. Produced for wall covering. Dimensions:

  • Length 60cm,
  • width 25cm,
  • height 20cm
  • width 30cm

Insulation boardProduced for insulation and walling of non-bearing walls Dimensions:

  • Length 600cm,
  • width 25cm, height 5.0cm,
  • width 17.5cm

Special insulation board, Dimensions:

  • Length 600cm,
  • width 50cm,
  • height 7.5cm,
  • width 12.5cm